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Chart of Accounts

This page covers how you can manage Charts of Accounts.

On This Page

Add Account to Chart of Accounts

  • 1
    Click the “Pulse” icon (Productivity) on the left navigation menu.
  • 2
    Click on “Financial Tools”. Click on the “Chart of Accounts” link.
  • 3
    Click on the “+ Add” button in the upper right corner. Provide a name and account code for the account.
  • 4
    Select the Account Category (i.e., Income or Expense -- if not in the dropdown list, choose “Add New”).
  • 5
    Optionally, select a parent account. If you desire this account to be visible on your online giving form, check the “Accepts Giving” checkbox.
  • 6
    If the amount didn't change when an adjustment was made, refresh the page for the new amount to reflect.
  • 7
    Click the “Save” button.

Edit Chart of Accounts

  • 1
    Click the “Pulse” icon (Productivity) on the left navigation menu.
  • 2
    Click on the “Financial Tools”. Click on the “Chart of Accounts” link.
  • 3
    Open the Account you wish to edit by clicking the “Edit Account” button by the desired account name.
  • 4
    Make desired changes and click the “Save” button.

Remove Account from Chart of Accounts

  • 1
    Click the “Pulse” icon (Productivity) on the left navigation menu.
  • 2
    Click on the “Financial Tools”. Click on the “Chart of Accounts” link.
  • 3
    Open the Account you wish to remove by clicking the “Edit Account” button by the desired account name.
  • 4
    Click the “Delete” button.